Aircraft pilots use cockpit flight simulators since they are considerably less expensive to operate than actual aircraft and provide an opportunity to practice crisis problem solving without putting real people or aircraft at risk. Following the same principle, MestReS is a virtual NMR simulator package intended to allow students to learn and practice the NMR instrumental techniques while saving rather expensive spectrometer time and avoiding equipment damage due to improper use. MestReS provides real-time simulation of the processes of field locking, shimming and acquisition. Both continuous-wave (Bruker spectrometers) and FT (Varian spectrometers) deuterium channel simulation are included. Most common physical properties (e.g. sweep rate variation, spinning sidebands, etc) can also be simulated. The program provides basic 1D processing and includes the tools needed to effortlessly create 1H and 13C NMR databases from synthetic FID’s

Download MestReS at the Mestrelab Research Chemistry Software Product Page
MestReS can emulate locking and shimming effects in real time. Both continuous-wave (Bruker spectrometers) and FT (Varian spectrometers) deuterium channel simulation are included. Emulation of most commonly used shimming coils (Z,Z2..X,Y) is also provided. Most common physical properties are also simulated (sweep rate variation, spinning sidebands, etc) giving to the student a very realistic feeling.

While we offer MestReS as a totally free program, we are not longer developing it further or offering technical support for its use. Nevertheless, should you have any comment on the program, feel free to let me know.
I would particularly like to thank Armando Navarro, of the University of Santiago de Compostela, for his work in developing MestReS and making it available to our user community. It was a pleasure to collaborate with him on this project while I was working at the University
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