It's been over 6 weeks since my last post on this blog but don’t worry, I haven’t been idle. On the contrary, I have a very good excuse for this lack of posts: We all at Mestrelab have been working very hard trying to get version 6.0 of Mnova finished. Now I’m delighted to announce that we have done it and version 6.0 is finally available for download from our Web site. This is certainly a major upgrade of the software in which we have put a lot of work and passion. It brings a number of enhancements and bug fixes but most significantly are the following new developments:
Yes, Mnova speaks a new language now, not just NMR. Since its conception, Mnova was Multi-document, Multi-Page, Multi-Platform and designed to become Multi-Technique, which it has now done

GSD (Global Spectral Deconvolution)
I have already blogged about it, but now GSD is finally available so that you all can try it and play with it. We are confident that this new powerful analysis tool will open new avenues in many NMR fields

NMR Line Fitting (Deconvolution)
Even though GSD is a fully automatic spectral deconvolution algorithm, a general purpose line fitting (deconvolution) module is always useful. In an effort to maximize user experience, we have developed a powerful, yet easy to use Graphical User Interface which makes possible both the manual and automatic adjustment of any peaks parameters (i.e. peaks positions, heights, line widths, shapes). I will talk more about it in a new post in a few days

NMR Data Analysis Module

NMR Data Analysis Module
Designed for the analysis of arrayed NMR experiments such as DOSY, Relaxation (T1, T2), kinetics, metabonomics, reaction monitoring, etc. This new module includes, among other features, the capability to apply reliable and fast non linear fitting (including specialized mono-exponential fitting), plotting of the experimental and fitted data, etc

Well, this list is not a fair account of all the number of new things implemented in this version. For a detailed list you could check out the ‘What’s new in 6.0'.
From here I encourage you to try this new version and experiment with the new tools. You can download an evaluation version from our website (at If for some reason your license has already expired, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us at Mestrelab, we will be delighted to supply a license for the software. In the meantime, I can only add that in the next few days I will be creating new posts where I will be revealing in detail each and every new tool of this brand new version as well as some innovative and interesting applications